Tears Of Hope
Lament: a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. A source of healing in this land of so much brokenness. A form of intercession connected to feeling the passion of His heart.
For the longest time I couldn't cry, grief locked into my soul as I shut my emotions off for survival. Over the last several years I've been slowly regaining the gift of releasing tears.
If I truly am to weep with those who weep and allow God to collect my tears (not one drop ever wasted), then I must allow myself to go there.
Every time I see an intense level of pain in someone's eyes it strikes me to the core. Living wide open makes me vulnerable to levels of brokenness that seem more than my heart can bare. Yet the challenge is not to take it in, but to release it back out in intercession. I am allowed to feel it so that I know how to pray, not because it belongs to me.
When the brokenness of the world hits me like a wall of pain, He leads me to the rock higher than I, and I am not overcome. Grieving becomes the surest way to a door of hope.